C6 Easy Imaging
Total Computer Backup
User Guide
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Introducing the Clickfree C6
INTRODUCING THE CLICKFREE C6...................................................................5
How it works.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Definitions.................................................................................................................................................. 6
What gets backed up? .............................................................................................................................. 6
Features .................................................................................................................................................... 7
What do I need before I start?................................................................................................................... 7
RESTORING CONTENT..................................................................................10
What gets restored, and to where?......................................................................................................... 10
Restore -- Let Clickfree decide what to restore and to where................................................................. 10
Restore -- Change how Clickfree restores content................................................................................. 11
How do I find files that were restored?.................................................................................................... 12
My program cannot find the restored files – what should I do? .......................................................... 12
FILES .........................................................................13
Browsing or searching for files................................................................................................................ 13
Rebooting your computer from the C6.................................................................................................... 14
Doing an emergency backup/ recovery .................................................................................................. 15
Repairing your computer......................................................................................................................... 16
Re-Imaging your computer...................................................................................................................... 17
ADVANCED TOPICS......................................................................................19
How to schedule automatic backups ...................................................................................................... 19
How do I exclude folders from the backup?............................................................................................ 19
Removing a Computer ............................................................................................................................ 21
Resetting the C6...................................................................................................................................... 21
Using password protection...................................................................................................................... 22
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Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Introducing the Clickfree C6
Do my files need password protection?.............................................................................................. 22
How do I enable password protection?............................................................................................... 22
Can I change or remove the password?............................................................................................. 22
What if I forget my password? ............................................................................................................ 22
How do I back up onto CDs or DVDs?(EASY Archiver).......................................................................... 23
How do I import music? (EASY Music) ................................................................................................... 23
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Introducing the Clickfree C6
Introducing the Clickfree C6
The Clickfree C6 backup drive is the easiest way to protect the data on your computers, with
no effort at all, by automatically searching for and backing up onto its built-in hard disk all
the content stored on each computer. No hardware configuration or software installation is
The Clickfree C6 is the only external hard-drive in the Clickfree product lineup that backs
up the computer's entire contents including the Windows operating system, installed
software programs, as well as all personal content stored on the computer's hard-drives.
The Clickfree C6 also comes with a unique feature called EASY Fix. The EASY Fix is a suite
of tools that allow the user to perform:
Emergency Backup/Recovery - Recover personal files even after Windows has
crashed and will not restart.
Repair/Reset – Easily repair your computer including your Windows operating
system and software programs from a previous backup, without affecting your
personal files. See details in "Repairing your computer" on Page 16.
Reimage - In the case of a computer hard drive failure, easily reimage everything
onto your computer's new hard drive. See details in "Re-Imaging your computer" on
page 17.
Clickfree EASY Fix is NOT designed to transfer your Windows Operating System and
Software Applications (system files) from one computer to another. Instead, it is designed to
help restore your system files from a backup to the same computer in case of OS/software
problems or a hard drive failure.
When using the Re-image option in Clickfree EASY Fix, unless you are an advanced user
please only use it on the same computer that you backed up. ( i.e. you are re-imaging onto the
same computer or to a replacement hard drive installed on the same computer )
The first time you connect a C6 to your computer it searches for and backs up all of your
important content as well as the Windows operating system and your software applications.
The C6 can be connected to any number of computers to allow them to also be backed up.
When Clickfree has finished backing up each computer, you can disconnect the C6 and
connect it to a different computer, or leave the C6 connected to the computer to easily
update your backup in the future (you can also schedule a backup automatically -- see
“How to schedule automatic backups” on page 19).
Please note that the limit is on the available space on the Clickfree C6 and not on the
number of PCs that can be backed up.
It is also possible to back up to CDs or DVDs instead of using the built-in hard disk; see
“How do I back up onto CDs or DVDs?(EASY Archiver)” on page 23.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Introducing the Clickfree C6
Backup and Restore
A backup is a copy of data on your computer. Backups can be used to restore data after loss
of or damage to your computer’s hard disk, to restore files that have been accidentally
deleted or corrupted, or to move or copy data from one computer to another.
Making a backup of your content only copies it from your computer to your C6, and does
not delete it from the computer’s hard disk.
Similarly, when you restore content, it only copies it from your C6 to your computer, and
does not delete it from the C6.
A backup is meant to be a second copy of your computer data,
not the only copy of your data.
Clickfree C6 backs up your Windows operating system and software applications (system
files), as well as data that you have created, such as music, photos, letters, emails, tax
information etc. In this guide we refer to the data that you created as content. This is an
important distinction because the normal Restore function (described on page 10) only
restores your content. If you need to “restore” your operating system and software
applications, you must use the EASY Fix function (see page 14).
When it runs automatically, Clickfree backs up everything on your computer:
Photos – including common graphic formats such as JPEG and RAW
Music – including CD audio, MP3, MIDI
Video – e.g. AVI, MPEG, Shockwave Flash
Emails – including Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, Eudora
Documents – e.g. from Microsoft Word, Open Office, and WordPerfect
Spreadsheets – e.g. Microsoft Excel, Open Office, and Lotus 123
Presentations – e.g. Microsoft Powerpoint and Corel Show
Illustrations – such as Corel Draw, Visio, Photoshop and Paintshop images
Financial – such as those from Quicken, QuickBooks and tax programs
Windows and Programs – operating system and software applications
All Others – including, but not limited to, zip and RAR files, XML, and CSV files
The first time you back up your computer, C6 backs up all of the content it finds, as well as
the operating system and software applications, which might take several hours. Each time
you use Clickfree after that, it only backs up the new or changed files, so it will be much
faster. Any files that were deleted from your computer since the last backup are not
deleted from the C6.
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Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Introducing the Clickfree C6
Customizable backup options to exclude folders; remembers your customized
settings for each computer you use it with.
Multi-computer backup -- can hold the backups for as many computers as you like,
limited only by the available space on the C6.
Multi-version backup – the first backup is a full backup, while each subsequent
backup is incremental (i.e. only new/modified files will be backed up). – you can
select which version to view or restore.
EASY Restore - easily restore to same or other computer -- a great way to move your
content from your old computer to your new one.
EASY Imaging - full computer imaging -- because the C6 backs up your Windows
operating system and software applications, you can easily recover from a hardware
EASY Viewer -- conveniently view backed-up photos in thumbnail and expanded
view. View all other files as easily as if it is on the original computer
EASY Music - easily import music from your iPod/iPhone/iPad to your computer
and to iTunes.
EASY Fix – easily recover from computer crashes caused by viruses or software
corruption – often within minutes !
Your computer must be running one of these operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 7 (any editions)
Microsoft Windows Vista (any editions)
Microsoft Windows XP (any editions)
In addition you need:
One free USB port (preferably USB 3.0, but compatible with USB 2.0 and USB 1.1) on
your computer
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Backing Up
Backing Up
Even though Clickfree backs up your operating system and software applications, it is
safe to continue working while the backup is running. However, keep in mind that
the “snapshot” is created when backup starts and it can take some time to complete,
so any files modified during the backup will not be included and you will need to run
an incremental backup afterwards.
1. Make sure that your computer is switched on and has finished starting up.
2. If this is a Clickfree C6 Desktop version, connect the C6 power adapter to a wall outlet or
power bar and the other end to the C6.
3. Connect one end of the USB cable to the C6 and the other end to a USB port on your
4. When Clickfree starts to run, a Welcome window appears and shows the number of
seconds left before the backup starts automatically:
The Viewer and Restore/Transfer buttons appear at the bottom of the window after at
least one backup exists on your C6.
Unless you stop the countdown by clicking a button, at the end of the countdown period
Clickfree starts the backup.
• If you want to let Clickfree decide what needs to be backed up from where, you
don’t need to do anything further. For details, see “What gets backed up?” on page
• If you want to exclude one or more folders from the backup, click Options and see
“How do I exclude folders from the backup ?” on page 19.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Backing Up
5. During the backup, Clickfree displays a progress window.
When you see the Backup Summary window after the backup is complete, simply click
Close. You’re done!
6. Disconnect the C6 and keep it in a safe place.
Repeat these steps for each computer you want to back up.
Set up an automatic backup schedule so you don’t have to worry about a thing. See “How
to schedule automatic backups” on page 19
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Restoring Content
Restoring Content
You can restore your content to any computer that meets the system requirements (see
“What do I need before I start?” on page 7), not just to the computer the content was backed
up from.
To restore files from more than one computer, simply repeat the restore process and choose
a different computer each time.
The Restore function only restores your content (data you created). If you need to
“reimage” your operating system and software applications, use the EASY Fix
function (see page 14).
You can choose whether to restore all or just selected content, and where the content is
restored to – or you can allow Clickfree to make the choices for you.
If you don’t change any options, Clickfree restores all of the content that was backed up,
and puts it in the same folders on your computer that it was backed up from.
If you are restoring over files of the same name, Clickfree overwrites these files on the
computer with the ones on the C6. Alternatively, you can restore your files to a different
location on your computer so they don’t overwrite any existing files.
1. Connect the C6 to your computer and wait for the Welcome window to appear.
If you are restoring content to a new computer that has never been connected to the
C6, plug the C6 in to your new computer.
2. Before the countdown gets to zero, click Restore/Transfer
3. The Restore window appears.
Note that all of the categories that have backed-up content are checked in the Select
Category column.
4. Look at the computer name in the Restore From box:
The drop-down list contains the names of all of the computers that have been backed up
on your C6. Select the computer you wish to restore from. Clickfree will restore all
categories selected from that computer’s most recent backup to the original locations.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Restoring Content
5. Click Start Restore
During a Restore, your content will be copied from the C6 to the computer and will
not be deleted from your Clickfree backup: it is still safe on the C6.
By making choices at several steps in the restore process you can control which content is
restored and where it is restored to. You can also restore from an older backup instead of
the most recent.
1. Follow steps 1-3 from “Restore -- Let Clickfree decide what to restore and to where” on
page 10.
2. Click Switch to Advanced Restore. Select the computer whose content you want to
restore to this computer, and the backup to be restored:
3. All categories that contain files on the selected backup are selected. If there are any
categories that you do not want to restore, click the check box to clear it. If the check box
is not enabled, that means that there are no files for that category on the selected backup.
• When a category is selected or deselected, all of the file types that make up that
category are also selected or deselected. To restore individual files within a
category, click the category name and then select the files to be restored.
• To locate particular files to be restored, click Explorer View and select the files to be
4. When you are finished selecting files, click Next
5. On the Select Location to Restore Files window, indicate where to restore the content.
• To restore the content to its original location, leave Clickfree will automatically
restore my files to their original location selected, and continue with step 6.
• To restore the content to a different location, click I will choose a specific location to
restore my files to
Choose a disk drive (if you have more than one).
The folder that will be used is shown below the drives. Optionally, choose a different
folder. Click Choose Location and select the folder you want.
To create a new subfolder, click Make New Folder, type the folder name, and click
6. Click Start Restore
If there are any files that cannot be restored, the Restore Summary window has a Show
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Restoring Content
Details link at the bottom left. Click the link to see a list of the files that were not
Your content will not be deleted from your Clickfree backup: it is still safe on the C6.
If Clickfree restored your files to a folder that was not their original location, Clickfree puts an
icon on your Restore Summary page so that you can quickly and easily get to the restored
Double-click the icon to open Windows Explorer to the folder where your content was
restored. You can now use Explorer to move the files to a more convenient folder.
Some programs expect to find their files in a particular folder. If you restore files to a folder
other than the original location, your program may not be able to find them.
If your program displays an error message telling you that it cannot find its files, or if the
program starts up but your data is missing, you will need to move the files to the proper
Unfortunately, this is different for every application and you may need to consult the
program’s online help or user guide to find out where the files need to be moved to.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Viewing Backed Up Files
Viewing Backed Up Files
1. Connect the C6 to your computer and wait for the Welcome window to appear.
2. Before the countdown gets to zero, click Viewer. The EASY Viewer window is displayed.
3. Do one of the following:
• To view the files on the backup, click the Browse Files tab, then expand and collapse
the folders on the left side of the window. Double-click a file to open it with the
program that your computer normally uses for files of this type.
• To view photos, click the Photos tab and navigate through the folders to see the
• To search for a file on the backup, click a category on the Backup Summary tab,
(other than Photos), or click the Search Files tab.
Select the File Type – select a category, or ‘Any’ if you want all categories to be
Enter all or part of the File Name or leave blank to retrieve all files of the
selected Type.
By default, only the most recent backup is searched. If you want to search across
all backups, select Search in all snapshots
Click Search
Files that match all of your search criteria are displayed. Double-click a file to open
it with the program that your computer normally uses for files of this type.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Using EASY Fix to Recover from a Hardware Failure
Using EASY Fix to Recover from a Hardware
EASY Fix is a suite of tools that allow you to perform:
Emergency Backup/Recovery - Recover personal files even after Windows has
crashed and will not restart.
Repair/Reset – Easily repair your computer including your Windows operating
system and software programs from a previous backup, without affecting your
personal files.
Reimage - In the case of a computer hard drive failure, easily reimage everything
onto your computer's hard drive.
EASY Fix is not part of the normal Windows software that you will see every day when you
run Clickfree backups. In order to use Clickfree EASY Fix, you will need to restart your
computer to boot from the C6.
1. Connect the C6 to your computer, then restart your computer. Look for a message at
startup that indicates the key to press to change the Boot device order. Usually the
startup screen is black and white and the message will have the keyword "Boot". F9, F12,
or Esc are common keys, but each computer will be different.
2. Press this key repeatedly until you get to the Boot Menu. You only have a short time to
do this before Windows boots up -- if you reach the Windows startup screen, you must
restart your computer by using the "Restart" option in the Shutdown Options.
3. The Boot Menu will show a list of drives that can be used to boot up your computer. Use
the arrow key to highlight the C6 (which may be listed as “Clickfree Backup Drive”,
"CD/DVD ROM", “USB HDD”, or “USB CD-ROM”), then press Enter.
4. The computer restarts and loads the Clickfree EASY Fix Welcome screen.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Using EASY Fix to Recover from a Hardware Failure
The Repair button appears at the bottom of the window only if a full backup for this
computer exists on your C6.
Unless you have very recently done a normal backup onto the C6, we suggest that you
perform an Emergency Backup/Recovery before performing a Repair or Re-Image to
ensure that you have a current copy of all personal content on the computer.
Unlike a regular backup, the Emergency Backup/Recovery only backs up content, not
Windows operating system files or software applications. By default this includes all
content on your computer; if you wish to exclude some folders, click Advanced instead
and then click Settings to choose the folders to exclude.
This emergency backup/recovery cannot be selected for Re-Image or Repair, but can be
used during a normal content Restore (as described on page 10).
After the emergency backup/recovery is complete:
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Using EASY Fix to Recover from a Hardware Failure
• If a previous full computer backup is available, you can click Start Repair (or click
Advanced for more options).
• If no full computer backups are available on the C6, click Close Clickfree and unplug
the C6. Your computer will restart. If you are later successful in repairing your
computer by other means, you can use the normal Restore (as described on page 10)
to restore your content.
When you choose Repair, Clickfree will compare all of the system files on your computer to
the system files in the most recent backup on the C6. System files from the backup will be
copied back to the computer. Any personal content files that are on the backup but not on
the computer will be restored to the computer.
1. Reboot your computer from the C6 as described on page 14.
If you’re not sure how recently your computer was backed up, follow the instructions
in "Doing an emergency backup/ recovery to back up your content once more before
you continue (see page 15).
2. If you want to run the Repair using the most recent backup, click Repair on the EASY
Fix Welcome screen. If you want to repair from an older backup, click Advanced on the
EASY Fix Welcome screen and then click Repair/Reset. Choose the backup dates to be
used and click Start Repair. Note that you cannot select an emergency backup.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Using EASY Fix to Recover from a Hardware Failure
3. Do not unplug the C6 during the Repair process. When you see the Repair Complete
screen, click Close Clickfree and unplug the C6. Your computer will restart as normal
and load Windows.
1. Reboot your computer from the C6 as described on page 14.
If you’re not sure how recently your computer was backed up, follow the instructions
in "Doing an emergency backup/ recovery" to back up your content once more before
you continue (see page 15).
1. Click Advanced on the EASY Fix Welcome screen. The date of the latest backup is
shown. If you want to re-image from an older backup, select the backup dates to be
used, then click Start Re-Image. Note that you cannot select an emergency backup.
EVERYTHING on your computer’s internal hard drives will be erased and replaced
with the system files, applications, and content in the selected backup – you must
confirm that you want to continue.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Using EASY Fix to Recover from a Hardware Failure
2. Do not unplug the C6 during the Re-Image process. When you see the Re-Image
Complete screen, click Close Clickfree and unplug the C6. Your computer will restart as
normal and load Windows.
If you did an Emergency Backup, it may contain newer content than what was
restored during the Re-Image process; you should restore the content from the
Emergency Backup using the normal Content Restore (as described on page 10).
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics
The Clickfree scheduler runs a backup automatically as long as the C6 is connected to the
The default scheduler interval is once a day. If you want to change it:
1. Connect the C6 to your computer and wait for the Welcome window to appear.
2. Before the countdown gets to zero, click Options
3. Click the Scheduler tab. The backup schedule for this computer is shown.
4. Choose the appropriate interval and time to start the backup.
5. Indicate if the scheduled backup should wake the computer from sleep. If this is not
selected, the backup will run the next time the computer is active.
Note: Although a scheduled backup will wake your computer from sleep mode, it will
not run if the computer is hibernating.
6. Click OK
At the set time interval, a backup is started automatically as long as the C6 is connected to
the computer. However, if your C6 uses password protection, the scheduled backup is
delayed until you enter the password.
Clickfree backs up everything on your computer except for any folders you choose to
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Advanced Topics
Any changes you make to how Clickfree does backups are used for subsequent
backups on this computer unless you modify them or revert to factory settings.
1. Connect the C6 to your computer and wait for the Welcome window to appear.
2. Before the countdown gets to zero, click Options. The Manage Settings and PCs
window is displayed.
3. In the left side of the window, click on the computer that you want to change settings
for, then click Backup Settings
4. Choose the folder(s) you want Clickfree to exclude:
• To exclude a folder and all folders below it, make sure that the check box is checked
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Advanced Topics
• To see details of a folder, click the + to the left of the check box. This expands the
folder to show the folders below it, and changes the + to a -. Click the – when you
want to collapse the folder again. Choose the individual folders you want to be
5. Click Save to continue with the countdown.
You can click Start at this time to go to the backup right away without waiting for the
rest of the countdown.
If you no longer want to keep content backed up from a computer (for example, you may no
longer have that computer, and have already restored its content to another computer), you
can free up space on your C6 by removing the old computer and its backup from Clickfree.
1. On the Manage Settings and PCs window, click the computer you want to remove.
2. Click Remove PC. You are prompted to confirm that you want to remove it.
Once you have removed a computer from Clickfree there is no way to recover that
computer’s content from the C6.
Clickfree may take several minutes to erase the data, depending on the amount of content
backed up on the C6.
Master Reset is used to remove all backed-up content from all computers that have been
backed up on your C6, and to apply factory settings.
After you perform a Master Reset you can no longer restore any previously backed-up
content, but your C6 can still be used for new backups.
If you want to remove only the content that was backed up from one computer, see
“Removing a Computer” on page 21.
1. On the Tools window click Master Reset
2. You are prompted to confirm that you want to remove all backed-up content from
Clickfree – select the check box and click Reset
Once you have removed content from Clickfree using Master Reset there is no way to
recover any backed-up content from the C6.
Clickfree may take several minutes to erase all of the content, depending on the amount of
content backed up on the C6.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Advanced Topics
If your C6 is lost or stolen, anyone with a computer that meets the hardware and software
prerequisites can restore files from your C6 simply by connecting the C6 to their computer,
unless the C6 is protected by a password.
You should protect your files using a password if the content you have backed up is
sensitive in any way and there is any possibility that the C6 could be lost or stolen.
If you set a password, a scheduled backup is delayed until you enter the password.
See “How to schedule automatic backups” on page 19 for more details.
1. In the Manage Settings and PCs window, click the Tools tab.
2. Click Enable Password
3. Type your password in both the New Password and Retype Password fields.
Clickfree imposes no restrictions on the password, and treats upper-case and lower-
case letters as identical. But you should pick a password that would be difficult for
anyone else to discover and that you will be able to remember – if you forget your
password there is no way to recover any backed-up content from the C6.
4. Optionally set a hint that can be used to help you remember your password.
Be sure to pick a hint that would be difficult for anyone else to interpret and that you
will be able to remember – if you forget your password and cannot remember it using
the hint there is no way to recover any backed-up content from the C6.
5. Click OK
To change your password, simply disable the password from the Options/ Tools window,
then enable it again as described above.
If you have forgotten your password, and cannot remember it from the hint you set when
you enabled password protection, your only option is to reset the C6 and lose all of your
backed-up content.
There is no way to recover your data.
Copyright © 2011 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Advanced Topics
To reset the C6:
1. When prompted to type your password, click Forgot My Password
2. To erase the backed-up content and re-enable password protection:
• Leave Erase backed up data and re-enable security selected.
• Type a new password in both the New Password and Retype Password fields.
• Optionally set a hint.
• Click Erase and Enable security
To erase the backed-up content and disable password protection, select Erase all backed
up data but do not re-enable security, then click Erase
3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to erase all backed up content.
1. Connect the C6 to your computer and wait for the Welcome window to appear.
2. Before the countdown gets to zero, click Options
3. Click the EASY Archiver tab, then click Launch EASY Archiver
4. The Clickfree DVD backup program starts up. Follow the instructions.
Clickfree tells you to label the disk with a number and date.
If you have more than one computer to back up, you should also write the computer’s
name (seen on the Backup Summary window) on the disk.
In addition, since Clickfree identifies backups by number, date, and time, you should
also write the time of backup if it is possible that you may make more than one
backup in a day.
You can use your C6 to copy music from your iPod/iPhone/iPad to your computer.
1. Connect the C6 to your computer and wait for the Welcome window to appear.
2. Before the countdown gets to zero, click Options
3. Click the EASY Music tab.
4. Attach your iPod/iPhone/iPad to a USB port on your computer.
5. Click EASY Music
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Clickfree C6 Easy Imaging
Advanced Topics
6. Select the iPod/iPhone/iPad to import music from, and click Next
7. Select the music to be copied by selecting a combination of the Playlists on the left, and
individual Titles on the right, or, to import all of the music on the iPod/iPhone/iPad,
select the Import All Music check box.
A grey checkmark in a playlist’s check box means that some of its titles are selected.
Note that, since a title may be included in more than one playlist, selecting or clearing
any given playlist may result in a change in the selection status of other playlists.
You can use the controls at the bottom left of the window to play any title from your
iPod through your computer’s sound system. If the title will not play in Windows
Media Player, the appropriate program opens to play it.
8. If you do not want to import the music to iTunes, clear the Automatically add imported
music to your iTunes library check box.
9. Click Browse to select the location to copy the music files to.
10. Click Start Copy. The music files are imported to your computer.
11. Click Close. If you are adding the imported music to your iTunes library, wait until the
Adding new music … box closes.
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